binary search tree is a sorted data structure

binary search ree is already sorted.

there will be no need to waste memory or processing time sorting records


Insert = O(1) +(heap allocation overhead)

Search = O(n)

Delete = O(n)

Sorted Array

Insert = O(n)

Search = O(log n)

Delete = O(n)

Linked List

Insert = O(1)

Search = O(n)

Delete = O(n)/O(1)

Sorted List

Insert = O(n)

Search = O(n)

Delete = O(n)/O(1)

Balanced Binary Tree

Insert = O(logN)

Search = O(logN)

Delete = O(logN)

Hash Table (BST) - Using a 'good' hash function

Insert = O(1)

Search = O(1)

Delete = O(1)

Big-O Notation

For functions f(n) and g(n), we say that "f(n) is Big-O of g(n)" if

There exists a constant c > 0 there exists a constant n0 such that 
for all n ≥ n0, 0 ≤ f(n) ≤ c * g(n)

We write f(n) = O(g(n)), but the "=" is not the usual meaning.

The intention is to allow us to say

  • 3*n2 + 14*n - 7 = O(n2)
  • 0.0007 * n3 is not O(n2)

Technically, 101,000,000*n is O(n), but programs with that running time is still very slow. 

Arrays vs Linked Lists

Asymptotic running times for n items:

Sorted ArraysO(n)O(log n)O(n)
Linked ListsO(1)O(n)O(n)/O(1)
Sorted Linked ListsO(n)O(n)O(n)/O(1)

*Running time for deletion from a linked list depends on whether you already have a pointer for the node to be deleted. 

Arrays vs Linked Lists

Suppose we have n items inserted and do n searches:

  • Arrays: n * O(1) + n * O(n) = O(n) + O(n2) = O(n2)

  • Sorted Arrays: n * O(n) + n * O(log n) = O(n2) + O(n log n) = O(n2)

  • Linked List: n * O(1) + n * O(n) = O(n) + O(n2) = O(n2)

  • Sorted Linked List: n * O(n) + n * O(n) = O(n) + O(n2) = O(n2)

If we have all n items before hand, we can sort them all at the same time in O(n log n), plus n * O(log n) for n searches for O(n log n) time total.

If not, we need binary search trees. 

A Binary Search Tree

For each node in a binary search tree, its left child (if any) holds a smaller number and its right child (if any) holds a larger number. 

Balanced Binary Search Trees

There are several schemes for maintaining a O(log n) height for a binary search tree n nodes: AVL trees, Red-Black trees, B-trees, 2-3 trees, ...

For such trees:

  • Insert: O(log n) time

  • Find: O(log n) time

  • Delete: O(log n) time

Hash Tables

  • Stores items in an array.

  • Uses a hash function to compute the array index of an item.

  • Ideally the size of the array is close to the number of items.

  • collision occurs when the hash function assigns the same index to two items.

  • Open hashing places items with the same index in a linked list.

  • Closed hashing finds some other place in the array for the second item that has the same index.

Hash Tables

Using a "good" hash function:

  • Insert: O(1) time (average)

  • Find: O(1) time (average)

  • Delete: O(1) time (average)

In the worst case, all items have the same hash index and a closed hash table degenerates into an unsorted array.

There are provably good hash functions.

Posted by 타이슨킴